3 Ways to get the most value from an Intuitive Reading

Any kind of intuitive/psychic reading is heaven for me! I am in love with pretty much all things woo.  It’s endlessly fascinating to see how different people receive information and work with energy. Plus, at the end of the day who doesn’t love learning about themselves, right?!

In addition to being a woo lover, I’m also a professional Intuitive Energy Coach. My readings are a mix of  energy healing, card reading, mediumship and intuitive and psychic messages. I’m constantly encouraging people to be more gentle to themselves and follow more of their own nudges. That’s where the magic happens! 

Here are 3 things I know will help you have the best experience possible.


Research Your Reader

Before you book your first session with someone, take a look at their website and social media. Read their reviews. Does this person seem like someone you would be interested in talking to for an hour? Are you intrigued or are you getting the heebie jeebies? Everyone, especially the  skeptics, will get way more out of a session if they can relax.


Figure Out Your Why

What are you hoping to gain? Curiosity is a great reason to try something new. Set the intention to keep an open mind and enjoy.  If you’re ready to shift your energy and move past some of your old blocks, congratulations! Let your reader/healer know that you’re ready to open up and be ready to do just that. Receive what shows up for you in the session. Whatever you’re looking for, setting a clear intention helps Spirit channel the right information and experience to you.

Let Go of Control

People often get anxious before an intuitive session. It happens for a lot of reasons. I like to tell my clients to put their doubts into my doubt bucket. After their session, they’re welcome to take it out and bring it with them.  It just isn’t helpful for our work together. I’m not saying that you must accept everything you’re told. If you have a sense that the message coming through means something different from your readers’ interpretation, always trust yourself.

However, sitting with your arms crossed and withholding information to “test the psychic”, is kind of a waste of your time and money. Your energy sets the tone for your session. If you’re aloof and withholding, it’s like holding a stop sign up to Spirit. 

Honor your feelings. If you’re uncomfortable because this is your first reading and you don’t know what to expect, or you’re worried that you will be too emotional, we have all been in your shoes. It’s okay!

Lastly, try to let go and receive. Trust that Spirit sees the big picture. You might be surprised by what shows up. You probably didn’t think that you were showing up to hear about your ex boyfriend or your first job. Embrace the messages and emotions that show up because Spirit wants nothing more than to help you create the future you desire.

3 Ways to get the most value from an Intuitive Reading
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