Think You Are The Victim Here?
What I am learning lately is that I am more in control of my life than I ever realized. I am seeing that the situations and relationships where I have […]
What I am learning lately is that I am more in control of my life than I ever realized. I am seeing that the situations and relationships where I have […]
How can you be completely confident in how great you are without being cocky and arrogant? This is a question I kick around sometimes as I have begun to encourage […]
I have two things to wrap up and give thanks for today. The first is that I completed the whole Brighten Your Series with an exceptional group of women. It […]
I spent most of the day reading up on vision boards and affirmations in preparation for this weekend’s seminar. I can’t wait to get started. I have never made a […]
I must admit it has been a little bit of work to find a blessing worth blogging about every day this week. I am working on building my “integrity muscle” […]
Today was the first ever Dress to Be Your Best seminar in the Brighten Your Light seminar series. We doubled our turn out from the first seminar and for that […]
I really enjoyed posting every day for a week. It was a great exercise in gratitude to know that I would need something to post about. I took time to […]
It’s a no brainer today to pick what I want to write about for my blessing. Three more women signed up for my seminar this Sunday. The seminar is filling up, but […]
Starting this blog has been such an experience in telling the truth. I have pushed myself to be honest about who I am as well as my goals for my […]
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank you to the whole big wide world for having a place for me. I am seeing more and […]