Day 14, Counting My Blessings

Sliding into home with my posting every day for two weeks. Technically I am one day behind.  But I am cutting myself a break since my last name is Maguire and yesterday was St Patrick’s Day!

The next seminar is the Acting and Improvisation class, on 3/25, and it’s all about remembering how to have fun. I am working on my part and researching “Joy”. It has been interesting to see what different people have to say. One common theme is that joy is about letting go of our beliefs that we are separate or other.  When we forget our ego, and beliefs about who and what we are, then we have those moments of bliss. The problem is that we are SO attached to those beliefs that we usually only let go of them by accident, and only for short periods of time.

This morning I got an email that my library books are due. I picked up Hugh Prather’s book, Spiritual Notes To Myself, for a quick look before it goes back. This is what I found:

“We say, ‘I love to do this and I love to do that, and I need a friend or partner who can share these things with me.’ Yet there are those who love being with a damaged child, even though that child can do none of the things other children can. Their love for the child makes them happy. We think our needs are our sources of happiness, but they merely limit our sources. We have so few ways we can be free of misery. Yet we alone place limits on where and how we can enjoy ourselves. Practice having no ego and you will be free.”

Perfect timing!

I would love to hear your blessings, moments of serendipity and joy. Please post a comment or email me if you have anything you would like to share. Also, plenty of room on the next seminar. Come on down and give that joy muscle a good workout!

Day 14, Counting My Blessings
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