Day 6 Looking for Love

It’s a no brainer today to pick what I want to write about for my blessing. Three more women signed up for my seminar this Sunday. The seminar is filling up, but you can still jump in if you have been holding out!

A few days ago I mentioned the quote “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” from Maya Angelou. I asked for more women to come and share in the Life and Friendship experience. Ta Dah! It really is kind of like magic. It seems the more I trust and commit to this dream of bringing women together to shine, the more the universe seems to line up to support me. It is a beautiful thing and I am so very grateful.

What's your wish?

In case you were wondering, my friend found out today. SHE GOT THE JOB!

Life is Good

Day 6 Looking for Love
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