Day 9- Looking for Love

Today was the first ever Dress to Be Your Best seminar in the Brighten Your Light seminar series. We doubled our turn out from the first seminar and for that I am so, so grateful. Maria Cella did a fantastic job teaching us tips on how to dress our best and not fight with our bodies. Accepting what we have to work with and knowing how to look our best can only help us to move forward in a positive way.

Today I felt so blessed to be sitting in the space that I had dreamed up all on my very own. I got to look around the room and see these strong, smart, funny, brave women and know that what we are building is more than just a network. I don’t have a word for it, I am thinking more like kinship or fellowship. I don’t want to be overly dramatic or anything, but I chose to speak a lot about remembering our perfection. I can say for myself this is a new experience. To  be seated around a table talking about how we are all just how we were meant to be, is not something I have done before. It is so powerful for me when I think of all the harsh judgments I make about myself in so many areas of my life. I know the respect and admiration I felt looking at all the women today is what I need to remember most about myself. I am blessed to have been just where I needed to be with just the right people around me.

Day 9- Looking for Love
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