See you at the library!
Have you got a burning question? Have you always been curious what an intuitive reading would be like?
Here’s your chance to find out! I will be giving FREE 20 minute readings at Woburn Public Library from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm on October 15th. You must pre-register to hold your spot. The link is to the library’s calendar page. Choose the best time for you- or whatever is open.
Heather uses her intuitive abilities to read her client’s energy. While each reading is very different, getting an intuitive reading is a conversation. It is common for memories, experiences and patterns to be revealed in a reading. In addition to being a fascinating experience, this is also an opportunity for healing and insight. If you are curious and have always wanted to get a reading this is your chance! If you have a question or concern that has been on your mind, an intuitive reading offers confirmation for what you have been sensing or a different perspective that you haven’t considered.