How to create your Spiritual Advisory Board

Ask the experts for advice

Questions need answers and problems need solutions! That’s why you need your own Spiritual Advisory Board or what I like to call your council. 

Your council is an evolving group of advisers who brainstorm with you and cheer you on. Some of the members of your council are your guides and loved ones who have always been with you and others you choose to invite onto your Advisory Board. In the PDF guide below I share some of the members of my council who I have tapped for everything from relationship advice to business building acumen.

The Build Your Council Guide

Here’s your PDF guide to building and working with your personal Advisory Board
_How to Build Your Council

Create a Judgment Free Zone

Try keeping an open mind! When you open to help, you may be surprised at who shows up. You might get a color, an animal, an element, a plant or even an “imaginary” character like Dumbo or Superman. 

Working with your council is a way that you can tap into the collective unconscious. You gain entry to information and knowing that you could not consciously access. You plug into this energy source by relaxing and letting go. Start by accepting whomever shows up to volunteer to be on your council and then by listening to whatever shows up. 

Your council may speak to you in words that sound like your own thoughts. They may work through synchronicity or coincidence. They may give you colors or feelings. It may feel like a daydream or like nothing at all.

When you accept without judgment, you are allowing flow to enter your life.

How to create your Spiritual Advisory Board
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