How to find a sense of belonging

How would your life look different if you believed could show up authentically? How would your behavior change if you knew you could not be rejected? If you felt that there was a space for you? If you felt that you mattered? 

These are reasons why even “regular people” benefit from practicing intuitive development. Developing your personal intuitive connection expands your sense of belonging to include a broader definition of community. Spending time connecting with spirit by sitting in an intuitive development circle, working with oracle cards, meditating, and communing with nature all connect you with a deeper feeling of your place in the universe. 


Why it feels like we can't be authentic

We all know that as humans evolved,  living within a tribe pooled resources and increased the chances for survival. The thought of surviving all alone is terrifying. It is our connection to the people we love that sustains us through life’s greatest challenges. Our behavior is unconsciously driven by our deepest fear of being kicked out of the tribe. 

In order to be safely cocooned within the tribe, our behavior must comply with the group’s expectations. Whether that’s our work tribe, family, community or social group. If we push too hard, piss off the wrong person, or otherwise go beyond the pale, we run the risk of being pushed out of the tribe and left out in the cold. How many times have you asked yourself, “Who do they think they are” as a surge of anger rose inside you? When someone gets too big for their britches it threatens  the homeostasis of the tribe.


How to connect with the truth

One of the tools I use with clients to help them understand why they hang onto destructive patterns is to ask “What’s the worst thing that could happen if you did something different?” I continue to ask this question and it usually doesn’t take long to get to the root fear which is dying unloved, unwanted and alone. Fear, anger and feelings of panic come up as people put words to their worst fears even as they realize the absurdity of it. 

One woman was in a relentless loop of anger at her husband for what she felt was his disregard for her feelings. When I asked her what’s the worst  thing that could happen if she stopped cleaning up after him, she was surprised by a rush of anger and panic. Even though she consciously knew it was ridiculous, she quickly realized she had been angrily picking up his underwear for 15 years because of a subconscious fear that not doing it would result in divorce, joblessness, destitution and rejection by everyone she loved. 

Living in this fearful place means your feeling of belonging, in fact your very survival hangs in the balance. Sharing your authentic truth feels as if it could be fatal.

Develop an unshakable sense of belonging 

When we develop our understanding of our energetic connection to spirit, we expand our definition of tribe. We begin to change how we respond to this fear. We understand that we belong to a spiritual tribe and are loved unconditionally.

The feeling that it’s not safe for me to be myself, or share who I really am begins to dissipate. You open to the invisibles of spirit including the plants, the elements, and the cosmos. You begin to feel connected to so much more than your belongings and your identity. You sense that we all hold a special place in the web of life. By opening to ourselves, we take ownership of who we truly are. We claim our place in the family of all things.

You are here right now, just as you are for a reason. You belong. You matter. Your voice, your authentic self is welcome here.

How to find a sense of belonging
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