I Believe In Miracles

“Every thought you have

either supports the positive energy of the world

or pollutes it.

Be mindful of your thoughts.”

– Gabrielle Bernstein, May Cause Miracles

happy ping pong ball

I am reaching the end of Gabrielle Bernstein’s book May Cause Miracles. It is 6 weeks of daily meditations, intentions and subtle shifts and I love it! Among the many reasons I love this book, a big one is that I have experienced concretely my belief that change does not need to be arduous and painful. Oh, it can be, I know that! But the beauty of this book is that Gabrielle guides you through daily intentions which some days don’t feel like much of anything. Just the act of reading it, believing in the process, and setting the intention in your mind creates a ripple through your life.

I have become a much more diligent watcher of my thoughts without the need to scold myself for bad behavior. If this sounds monotonous, I have greatly undersold the experience. It is beyond freeing to notice when I am believing fearful thoughts and to release them.

“I could see peace instead of this.”

– Affirmation Day 26

And my favorite quote comes from the Course In Miracles which is truly the backbone of the book,

“Today we celebrate the happy ending to your long dream of disaster. The light has come. I have forgiven the world.”

-Lesson 75 from the Course workbook

I had to stop reading to blink through my tears of laughter. I think I need to put that on a sign.


I Believe In Miracles
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