
I met up with a good friend today, whom I hit up for some free marketing advice for  the Brighten Your Light seminars. She was so helpful and informative. Two of the things she emphasized were to get very clear about who my market is for the seminars. The other was to have, on paper, an evolving definition of my vision and mission. This sounds a lot like intention to me.

While looking for a quick quote I could post this afternoon, I opened Gary Zukav’s book,  Seat Of The Soul,  and found this on page 106:

“Every experience and change in your experience,

reflects an intention. An intention in not only a desire. It is

the use of your will. If you do not like the relationship that

you have with your husband or wife, for example,

and you would like it to be different, that desire alone

will not change your relationship. If you truly desire

to change your relationship, that change begins with the

intention to change it. How it will change depends upon

the intention that you set.”

My marketing plan may not be  isn’t 100% ironed out just yet, but my intention is clear. I intend for an ever-expanding circle of women to come together and support each other to be brave and celebrate their lives. I intend for the Brighten Your Light seminars to be a place where women come to laugh, learn and grow to be fully present in the lives they create.

April 7Th will be the Vision Board seminar. This will be the  final seminar in the first run of the Brighten Your Light series. We have room for just a few more ladies to join us. We will all be creating our own vision boards and the discussion will be focused on learning to listen to your inner voice, not over thinking and questioning your instincts,  and setting

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