Lost and Found Lesson

We had a little life lesson in our family yesterday. I took my two kids to the toy store. My son wanted to spend the rest of the money he had on a gift card and my daughter needed to pick a gift for an upcoming birthday party. Eventually everyone found what they were looking for and we headed to the checkout. That’s when my son realized he had lost his gift card.

We searched high and low and it was gone. He was very angry believing that someone had found it and spent the money on it. It was probably very annoying of me, but I told him that is why we must not keep or take things that aren’t ours. We don’t want anyone else to feel the way he was feeling. I felt so bad for him that I bought him the toy and off we went to our last errand.

As we parked in the parking lot, I noticed something on the ground by the car in front of us. “Go check that out. I think that may be a phone,” I told him. Sure enough, he came scooting back holding a cell phone. Both of my kids got very excited thinking that they now had their own real live cell phone to take to school and show their friends. “Wait.” my son said, “God is trying to teach us.”

We called the number marked Dad in the phone and left a message that we would leave it at the store. As we explained the story to the girl at the counter, a man who was waiting in line exclaimed how honest I was to do the right thing. My kids were so proud.

Thank you God for dropping that one right in my lap!

Lost and Found Lesson
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