Messages from Spirit

How do you know if it's really a message?

I hosted a psychic party recently for an incredible group of ladies. We laughed and cried and everyone supported each other through it all. It was my kind of night! As I drove home, Spirit reminded me of one of the messages from that night..  

Two of the women in the group were sisters and they were seated next to each other. At the beginning of the evening, one of the sisters asked me how could she know if a synchronicity was really a sign. Part of my answer to her was that they are often subtle like songs on the radio. I encouraged her to trust that these are signs especially when these moments touch your heart. Little did I know that she was asking because of a song that had played on the radio which had been a message of love from her dad. Spirit is funny that way, always getting maximum bang for the buck. Putting those words in my head so that I would share them in that exact moment was no accident! 

 At these events, I work my way around the group so that everyone receives a message that is meaningful to them. While I was reading the second sister, I was shown an image of the beach at sunset and of seagulls rising up. I had a great feeling of relaxation and peace with this image. The seagulls felt particularly significant and as I described the image, I heard (inside my head) that other birds are white too, and was shown the image of a white dove.

We had a little laugh when I said that Spirit wanted her to know that white birds are a sign for her and asked if there was any chance she had a seagull obsession. I started to say that she should watch for white birds as a sign of confirmation that she is on the right track. All of a sudden her sister got a surprised look on her face and said, “I just drove down to pick up my white chicken yesterday.” She turned to her sister and asked, “Do you want to come and visit my white chicken tomorrow?” Wow, what are the chances?

Spirit knows things we can’t possibly know. The intricate timing of these messages is so synchronistic that no one could ever plan it all out so perfectly. Spirit knew just how to weave together the events in their lives with my presence to remind them of the healing nature of their love. Spirit found a way to nudge them closer together. 
animals can be signs from spirit

Watch for the signs from Spirit

We had a good laugh thinking about what kind of person might have a seagull obsession and discussing how much she liked the beach. But we didn’t spend much time talking about the importance of this message. It’s easy to gloss over things that feel subtle or silly.
Spirit is asking me to remind you too, that the subtle messages are real.
When the song comes on the radio, when the feather appears on your windshield, and when your sister turns to you and says I’ve got a white bird you can visit – please don’t doubt that this is God winking at you, this is Spirit reminding you that you are loved. #yougotthis #intuition #youmatter
Messages from Spirit
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