One More Week/ Day 8

I really enjoyed posting every day for a week. It was a great exercise in gratitude to know that I would need something to post about. I took time to think things over more carefully than usual, and because of that I noticed even more how blessed I am.

I thought I would shoot for one more week. Today is just a little thing that is no more really than good luck. Unless…. Three separate times today something I wished for came true:

My daughter had her first confession in church this morning. I really wanted to get a picture, but didn’t want to be obnoxious about it. There were three priest taking the confessions. One was tucked off on the side in a nice little corner. My husband and I both thought it would be perfect if she got that priest. The three of us, myself, my husband, and my son said a quick prayer together that she would get him. Sure enough, it’s her turn and because one boy had the longest confession of all time, the order got mixed up and what do you know- we got the photo op!

Next, I took my daughter into Charlestown to get a haircut. For anyone not from the Boston area, Charlestown is notorious for being an impossible place to park. That is the reason I never take her there. My husband had made the appointment but was unable to take her. I drove by the salon- no spots. I circled back around and tried not to panic. “Please, please”, I thought to myself, “I really need to find a spot because we are already a little late.” As I came around the corner there they were. Not just one, but two open spots. I got to take my pick!

Then, we got home from her haircut and I decided I wanted to get one too. I called my place to see if my girl was working. She answered the phone herself. “Great” I said, “I was hoping you would be working today. Any chance you could squeeze me in for a haircut?” Well, she was supposed to be leaving work in 10 minutes but she agreed to stay for me. I shot over there and got myself a cute new haircut!

I am not saying that everything is always going to go my way- of course I wouldn’t complain if they did!! I am starting to learn that you might as well ask for what you want and send that  desire out into the universe. It certainly isn’t going to hurt.



One More Week/ Day 8
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