Slip the anchor of limiting beliefs

Your body is your intuitive guide

When I give Intuitive Readings, my body is usually the one directing the conversation. For example, once when I pictured a client in my mind’s eye, my attention went directly to my big toes. They felt enlarged and full of trapped energy. When I mentioned this, she gasped. Unbeknownst to me she suffers from psoriatic arthritis and her most prominent symptom is deep pain in her big toes. 

I meet so many incredible people who feel they’ve lost connection with their intuition. They feel disempowered and they’re desperate to unlock their future from a limiting belief of the past. My newer clients are often surprised when I tell them to simply start looking for examples of what they desire in their life. This is so simple that it seems ridiculous. Not everyone follows though but I regularly get emails that start with, “You’re never going to believe this, but…” 

It’s our brains’ job to think and reason and squawk at being excluded.  But noticing the feeling when you see it is so effective primarily because there’s no thinking involved. You get clarity on the feeling so you can attract what you want without getting into a wrestling match with your beliefs. 

Recently I’ve been obsessed with the idea of “Blocks” and how people experience them. I’ve been listening to a series of lectures on dissolving blocks and limiting beliefs by the well known author, speaker and Zero Limits coach,  Dr Joe Vitale. One of the techniques he suggests is that you “Nevillize” your beliefs. To do you “assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.” In other words, you close your eyes and full body imagine that your wish has already arrived. The quote is from one of his  mentors, Neville Goddard, a metaphysical author who lectured across the country through the 1950’s and 1960’s.


Manifest your vision with your feelings

Here’s how Neville explains the process he calls fishing in his book, Your Faith Is Your Fortune.

“Here is the simple formula for successful fishing. First decide what it is you want to express or possess. This is essential. You must definitely know what you want of life before you can fish for it. After your decision is made, turn from the world of sense, remove your attention from the problem and place it on just being by repeating quietly but with feeling, “I AM.” As your attention is removed from the world round about you and placed upon the I AM so that you are lost in the feeling of simply being, you will find yourself slipping the anchor that tied you to the shallows of your problem; and effortlessly you will find yourself moving out into the deep.”

I love the imagery of slipping the anchor. There’s no effort or fight. It’s all about allowing the flow to happen. Our bodies are like walkie talkies that use the frequency of feeling. They’re in constant two way communication with the Universe and everything in it. How cool is that?! 

Instead of judging yourself and complaining that you’re blocked when you hit your limit, let your body do the work of shifting your beliefs into alignment. It’s confounding in it’s simplicity but the feeling is divine! #yougotthis


Slip the anchor of limiting beliefs
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