How different would life be if you trusted yourself?
Let’s be honest, sometimes life is hard and kind of lonely. Inside of you is a place that feels warm and welcoming. Inside of you is a place where you trust that you are divinely guided and that who you are is EXACTLY who you are supposed to be.
There are lots of ways to find this place. This is the one I know.
Opening to my own intuition in a safe and supportive group is what helped me moved past a lifetime of loneliness and anxiety. There is something exciting and magical that starts to happen and it’s a lot of fun! It’s like playtime for grown ups.
A Sprinkle of Stardust Boot Camp
Stardust boot camp is a six-week intuitive discovery that combines weekly group zoom calls with partner exercises to give you a firm foundation in understanding how your body communicates intuitively with you. Each weekly call you will introduce you to a different technique or aspect of intuitive knowing and the partner practice will allow you to explore deeper with the invaluable benefit of immediate feedback.
Give yourself the opportunity to explore yourself in a new way and discover the fun and confidence that develops.
I have a variety of offerings from in-person workshops to virtual daydream meditations. The only way to make sure you don’t miss a thing is to get on my email list.
Sign up for Boot Camp
Boot Camp runs three to four times per year and space is limited, I open enrollment to my waitlist first. Please add your information below to be added to my list and I’ll send you some tools that you can use to start connecting with your inner guidance right away.