Touching Trolley Troubles

Howdy strangers! I am just back from a trip out west with the family. It was a great adventure for us including an unexpected dip in a mountain stream!

Another thing we didn’t expect is that San Francisco is freezing cold in JULY!!  The cable cars were a must.  We originally planned on walking the return trip but we were in no shape for those hills.  The best place to catch a return trolley was at a cross street which  happened to be a shady, windy hilltop. We waited a very long time.  I was fearing a bout with pneumonia by the time a trolley came along.

The driver said he had room for four. The two women in front of us graciously stepped aside so my kids could get out of the cold. This is when it got very interesting. The driver suddenly said he had room for 2 more but those ladies couldn’t get on and a different couple climbed in. What!!!!!!!!!! I am not sure what came over me,  normally I would just stew about what a creep this guy was for a week or two.  Instead, I started yelling at him and shoving the new couple off the train. “Oh No!” I shouted. “Those two ladies have been freezing here for an hour and they are next.” He gruffed back, “This is my job. They said ‘No’ and they can’t get on.”  Obviously, this guy was a controlling lunatic not rational.

After a few more words were exchanged, the trolley left without any more additions. Eventually a seat opened and I gladly took it. I gazed down and there was a dime, (I mentioned before how my father drops dimes to remind me of his presence).  Out of nowhere the woman next to me nudges  my son and says, “Give your Mom a hug. She needs it.” I couldn’t say anything. I was too choked up. Right then and there I felt it. I was nestled down deep in loving kindness.

Touching Trolley Troubles
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