Vision Boards and Affirmations

I spent most of the day reading up on vision boards and affirmations in preparation for this weekend’s seminar. I can’t wait to get started. I have never made a vision board before or designed an affirmation to support a specific goal. The information I found talked a lot about law of attraction, which is fascinating. It also talked about these as tools to set an intention, and with that clarity finding/seeking the things in your life which will support that intention.

I started wondering if I could come up with specific examples in my life. For a while….crickets. Then it all started flooding in. The most powerful realization was how I had created a change in my relationships with my husband and kids. I remember clearly last Spring thinking how I wished I was closer with my son. I often felt like I missed the mark with him. He didn’t seem to let my love in. No wonder as I was so often seeing and pointing out his flaws. I thought about what I wanted for that relationship. I realized that what I wanted was to give him a feeling of unconditional love and support. I wanted him to know his Momma was right behind him all the way. The more I pictured this the more those feelings grew in our relationship. He comes looking for me now because he wants a hug. He includes me in his activities, ideas and dreams. I am such a lucky mom.


As this change was occurring, I naturally progressed to knowing I wanted my daughter to feel she was treasured, and to enjoy the same love and support as my son. I wanted to feel a joyous spark and deep appreciation for my husband. The more I focused on those feelings as they came up… the more they came up. When I start to notice that I am seeing only aggravation and stress in these relationships, I remember to look for what I want.

Vision Boards and Affirmations
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