Happy. I heard recently that, “Happy”, was Goldie Hawn’s response as a child when she was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
It seems everywhere I turn lately there is more and more emphasis on gratitude, positive thinking, law of attraction and creating more joy in your life by recalling things that make you happy. As I was hiking through the woods this morning with my dog, I took a few minutes to practice. I hesitate to say I started with the small things, because a healthy body to carry me through the woods is certainly nothing to sneeze at! But, that is where I started, on to the gorgeous surroundings, the crisp weather, the gift of time that I had nowhere else I had to be. The beautiful blessing of my sweet dog to keep me company. On an on my list went of things big and little that I was grateful for.
I got back to my car and realized,
I was happy!