Why Worry?

“When I look back on all the worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which never happened.”                                                                                  -Winston Churchill

My daughter spent about 15 minutes last night crying hysterically about how she couldn’t take a shower because it would hurt her sunburn. When I finally snapped that she could take a shower or go to bed, she decided she would risk the pain and take a shower. Naturally she felt so much better after her shower. Refreshed and bouncy she came up to me and reported that her sunburn hadn’t hurt at all. I bit my tongue, very unlike me, and didn’t tell her she should try not to worry about stuff that hasn’t happened yet.

I try to remind myself that whatever is going to happen, will happen whether I spend time worrying or not. I might as well try to enjoy myself until the poop hits the fan!

“It ain’t no use putting up your umbrella ’till it rains.”     -Alice Caldwell Rice

Why Worry?
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