Wrapping Up and Giving Thanks

I have two things to wrap up and give thanks for today. The first is that I completed the whole Brighten Your Series with an exceptional group of women. It was the end of the series but the start of something big. I’m on a mission to brighten lights like crazy and I plan to have a great time on the way. I will write more about that soon, promise. The other is that I have been honored with a Very Inspirational Blogger Award by Brenda who has a phenomenal blog herself. Brenda was herself nominated for this award as she indeed has a very inspiring and uplifting perspective. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am delighted.

I’ll start with the vision board seminar. It was so much fun. If you haven’t made one before, give it a try. If nothing else it is a relaxing way to spend an afternoon. It was the perfect way to wrap up the series and discuss where this group would like to go in the future. We will continue to meet in some fashion and continue to support each other wherever we happen to be on our life’s path. We came up with a group mantra to help us stay strong and compassionate with ourselves,

“I trust myself

and I trust the process of becoming

who I am meant to be.”

When I got home my daughter wanted to  make a vision board. She had such a great time. I am not sure what any of them mean exactly, but I found it interesting that she chose so much script. She does love to read. Also, she thought the more cursive script which she put at the top said “live life” rather than “wife life”. I am not grooming her to be a child bride!

I love that she chose such phrases as “I am not shy to speak my mind” and “You must live (wife)  life.” Not too shabby for a 7 year old! We hung it on the fridge so we can appreciate the heck out of it.

Onto the Inspiring Blogger Award. To accept this award I must reveal 7 things about myself and list a few blogs that I find inspiring.

Here are 7 things I bet you didn’t know about me:

1. I am a Sagittarius and I believe that is why I love to hang out with friends, often have my foot shoved way into my mouth, and tend to swear like a sailor.

2. I have a small phobia of driving into the car wash. It completely freaks me out when you have to line your tires up with their  gizmo and they act so casual up until the last second when they start waving to turn the wheels like crazy. I am sure my tires are going to shoot out from under me and I will be screwed!

3. I love going fishing with my son. Right up until we reel in a fish. Then I want to cry because I feel so badly for the poor thing! Not a big problem as we haven’t caught a blessed thing in years.

4. I had a slight case of OCD as a child. If I brushed something with one hand or foot I wanted to do the same with the other side. I also got into counting a bit- but that takes a lot of concentration…

5. I was also afraid of the returns which shoot the filtered water back into the pool. I was sure that spiders lived inside. After I saw Jaws, that fear grew to include very small but deadly sharks.

6. I was not a good mother in the germ department. My kids have no fear of germs whatsoever. When my daughter was two or three we were in line at the grocery store and this little old lady started flipping out saying, “Oh Honey, NO! Don’t touch that!” It was my daughter running her tongue back and forth on the handle of the shopping cart. She was ENJOYING IT!

7. I think I am starting to go gray. I have been plucking anything suspicious for a few months now.

Here are a few blogs I find inspirational:

This blog called the bettermanprojects.wordpress.com has a page which encourages people to post their favorite quotes. It is a great place to visit and see what people have added.

Another good spot to stop by is pathwriter.wordpress.com. She always has just what you need to feel better in a quick quote or story.

To remind me to focus on marketing I count on Kayesyoungevity.  I always need inspiration in this department!

For just sweet, fun and cute encouragement to get out there and live, I count on Kat. I believe she is still on her fabulous vacation in Thailand at the moment so we may not hear from her for a bit.

Wrapping Up and Giving Thanks
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