
Today I thought I would share a success story from my life.  I have been trying to create a new habit for myself. I have been spending time noticing all of the things that work in my life. I am also daydreaming about what I want more of in my life. This has left much less time to dwell on what I don’t have, don’t like, and can’t seem to get right.  That alone makes me a happier person, which is a success in and of itself.

I have spent no time planning how to make changes, so imagine my surprise as these daydreams come to life around me.  For example, I have imagined time with my son when we are relaxed, happy, talking and laughing. In the last week we have gone on two stress and frustration free bike rides together and are looking forward to more. I have imagined time with my daughter when we are both creating and laughing. We have begun painting together and a few nights ago we put on some music and danced around the kitchen making dinner. The  mornings  have been full of jokes and goofing around instead of grumpiness and yelling, I have proudly declined several opportunities to engage in anger with my kids, I have also seen more laughter and happy family time, increased closeness and time spent with family and friends, as well as less tension and anxiety. Adding to the sweet success is seeing these little miracles happening all around me in those I love.

I am so grateful for all these wonderful times and I am doing my best to really and truly enjoy them.

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