Your intuition is always talking to you

I’d never met the woman who was sitting across from me, so she was understandably shocked when I told her that I saw an owl sitting on her hip. She rubbed the goosebumps on her arms and told me that she has a tattoo of an owl on her hip that not many people know about.
Moments like this are always a fun jackpot for me and my clients. But, what made that session truly meaningful was that she had asked for guidance about her new relationship and the direction her life was heading. 
The session helped her understand more about herself. She walked away feeling more confident that she was on the right path. More aware of the ways that she sabotages herself and her relationships and with a workable strategy for change. And, she felt more connected to her own intuition, mostly by recognizing that choosing to tattoo an owl on her left hip was no accident.
🦉Owls take their time to rest and observe. They move decisively; with laser focus. 
🦉Our hips store emotions, often anger and resentment. Our hipbones protect our creative centers, what we want to manifest in our lives. 
🦉The left side of our bodies is our emotional/internal side, it reflects how we feel in our lives. 
Her eyes filled with tears as we talked because she knew that in order to manifest the relationship she truly wanted, her growth was in becoming more decisive and in trusting that she was safe with her emotions.
This story can remind you that…
Your intuition is always guiding you, even if you don’t know it at the time. 
This woman didn’t choose the owl tattoo on her left hip for any of the reasons we talked about. But, she did listen to the whispers inside and intuitively gave herself the energetic support and spiritual guidance to manifest her desire. Also, her new boyfriend just happens to have a personality that will give her opportunities to practice being decisive and direct.
Your intuition rarely hands you a full map to your dreams. Instead it nudges you gently towards the direction of your deepest desires. 
Click the link below to get the list of the top 10 signs your intuition is talking to you. When you spot them, you’ll start feeling more connected, confident, and aligned.
Craving a deeper connection? Join me in Winthrop, Maine this September 27th-29th for a weekend retreat with like-minded women. I am co-leading the Body Retreat where you will appreciate and celebrate yourself, your body, and your intuitive connection in a beautiful and rustic setting at the YMCA Camp on the shores of Lake Cobbosseecontee.
Claim your spot before May 1st and get a complimentary 30-minute intuitive energy session with me! Click to learn more and GRAB YOUR SPOT NOW!
Your intuition is always talking to you
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