How to Feel Like You Are Enough

Gianna Diggs is an intuitive business coach, podcaster, and incredible mompreneur.  I recently joined her for a conversation about that elusive feeling of Enough. We talk about why it matters and how to find it.

How can you feel like you are enough?

It truly is your birthright! 

In this conversation, we discuss what it feels like to scramble and push through things in your business when you’re not feeling it. That inauthentic, forced, and contracted place that we all get to when we think we need to do all of the things! 

Gianna and I also talk about simple strategies that you can use to help you find that place. You can use Divine Guidance to feel like you’re enough. When you do, you can start running your business and your life from that energetic place. So you can create products and services that are in alignment with what you desire for yourself and your business. 

You can listen on Apple here:

On Spotify here:

You can find out more about Gianna’s fascinating approach to business coaching which includes Human Design, Business Astrology, NLP, EFT and more, by clicking here.

How to Feel Like You Are Enough
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